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The dream of living and working in Germany is possible provided all boxes are ticked and all the T’s crossed. If you ever had/have a doubt about these possibilities, then you should take a deep breath and let Macklemore Solutions be your travel agent/guide.

Securing and starting your dream work in Germany requires in-depth processes which could be complex and challenging such as documentation, certification, and translation especially if you are a non-German speaker.

But amid all these is where Macklemore becomes your strong asset; we can help you simplify the whole process by:

·         Helping you secure faster appointment at the German embassy you applied, this takes the whole stress off you.

·         Helping you secure a job and obtain health insurance.

·    Helping you deal with all paper works such as Residency and visa applications, work permit and employment contract, down to housing and rental agreement.

·         Assisting you through the whole processes including flight booking, visa processing, and even hotel booking.

Nothing stands in the way to your goal if Macklemore Solutions is your trusted travel agent/partner.

Contact Macklemore Solutions toady and get your Germany travels accomplished.