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We are thrilled to announce that Macklemore Solutions have secured partnership with the Women Ambassadors Canada to empower women especially across the world. The partnership is geared towards making a real and positive difference in the lives of women.

The partnership epitomizes an avenue to create a bright and even more inclusive future for women, which is a sincere demonstration of our resolve and dedication to empowering women, fostering global connections, and driving impactful change in communities across the world with women properly equipped to driving the change.


Empowering Women in Leadership: The partnership will create platforms and opportunities for women to step into leadership roles as they will be offered mentorship, provided with resources, and giving the needed support to ensure they succeed in their chosen fields. What makes this partnership even more inspiring and fulfilling is that it affords opportunity to both professionals and starters to advance their chosen career.

Building resilience and compassionate community: The partnership is an avenue to learn and emphasize on the transformative power of collective action in creating resilient and compassionate communities which can be achieved through capacity-programs and establishing partnership with organizations, government, agencies, and stakeholders. The program seeks to amplify efforts towards driving impactful and meaningful change.

Designed programs and initiative: The partnership is designed to host series of programs and initiatives for women entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers. The program which will focus on skill development, business growth, and personal empowerment, will ensure women have the right tools needed to survive and navigate the spheres of leadership.

At Macklemore Solutions, we believe in the transformative power of collaboration and education. This partnership with Global Ambassadors Canada is a testament to our dedication to support women in leadership, entrepreneurship, and beyond.

It brings us great joy and fulfillment to stand alongside Global Women Ambassadors Canada in this mission to uplift and empower women across the globe and we request you come onboard for us to create an all-inclusive community for women to thrive and contribute to national development.